For many men and women, the onset of andropause or menopause is the first time they really feel “old.” While this phase of life can be upsetting, the good news is that it is actually pretty easy to correct. Since andropause and menopause are triggered by age-related hormone decline, we can simply reverse this decline with quality hormone therapy to relieve your symptoms and have you looking and feeling better.

  1. Hormone receptors are found in virtually every part of your body. If your hormones are out of balance, your health will suffer.
  2. Balanced hormones help promote the health of your bones, teeth, brain, heart, eyes, skin, metabolism, and more.
  3. The most important hormones to target with hormone therapy are testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, thyroid, and cortisol.
  4.  When administered correctly, hormone therapy does not cause side effects.
  5. Hormone therapy works quickly and will continue to provide benefits as long as you continue the treatment.

·        We use bio-identical hormones, not synthetic hormones.

·        We use safe delivery methods that mimic your body’s own natural methods for producing and using hormones.

·        We base all dosages on lab testing.

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